Sonoma Springs Brewing Company, located in the town of Sonoma, is releasing a new brew and it’s definitely much easier to drink than it is to pronounce – and it’s pretty much as magical as Mary Poppins! Modeled after the popular Northeastern-style “juicy” IPAs, the “HazyCaliFrajilisticHoppyaladocious” is a unique addition to the Sonoma County beer scene; a fruity New England-style IPA that contrasts the citrusy, piney, bitter IPAs common here on the West Coast.
As the name suggests, Sonoma Spring’s latest release is heavily hopped, with tropic flavors, and the appearance is cloudy – or hazy – resembling orange juice. New England breweries like Treehouse and Trillium have paved the way for this style of IPA among beer geeks around the world, showing that, while different, they can hold their hoppy own against the Blind Pigs (Russian River Brewing Company) and Racer 5s (Bear Republic Brewing Company) of the world.
“We are always trying to innovate and do something new,” says Sonoma Springs Managing Partner Derek Drennan. “It keeps things interesting for us, as well as for our customers at the taproom and for folks that drink our beers at the many bars and restaurants that serve them across Northern California. Plus no one, that we are aware of anyway, is doing this style in Sonoma County. It is always fun to try to introduce our great beer drinking community to a new-ish style.”
HazyCaliFrajilisticHoppyaladocious is a mashup of Crystal, Mosaic, Amarillo, and Citra hops. The alcohol comes in right around 7.5%.
“In early tastings this brew is a total fruit bomb – in a good way!” says Drennan. “We certainly took into account beers of this style that we have tasted from places like Treehouse and Trillium. There are some good regional ones regionally that we like as well, including Moonraker in Sacramento and Alvarado Street in Monterrey. However, we definitely went our own direction and gave it our own Sonoma flare,” Drennan adds.
The fruity and juicy IPA is now available on tap at Sonoma Springs Brewing Co. in Sonoma. If it’s well received, they plan to brew it again, making it a regular beer at the taproom and putting it into cans for purchase and distribution.
Sonoma Springs Brewing Company, Riverside Dr #101, Sonoma, CA 95476, @SonomaSprings, sonomasprings.com, (707) 938-7422, Taproom hours: Mon-Thurs 4-9PM and Fri-Sun 1-9PM