U-Pick Sundays at Bloomfield Farms

Harvest your own vegetables!

Bloomfield Organics Farms in Sonoma County offers CSA boxes, tours and farm market produce. Photo: Heather Irwin.
Bloomfield Organics Farms in Sonoma County offers CSA boxes, tours and farm market produce. Photo: Heather Irwin.

Bloomfield Organics Farms in Sonoma County offers CSA boxes, tours and farm market produce. Photo: Heather Irwin.
A box of veggies harvested on Sunday

“Mommy, I picked a lettuce!” is the kind of conversation you’ll hear over and over in the fields of Bloomfield Farms. Each Sunday (through October), the family-operated organic farm opens its barn doors and sets folks loose on several acres of salad greens, kale, squash, lettuce, potatoes, zucchinis and other veggies. Staff are on hand to point you to the right rows, give tips on how to most effectively dig for potatoes and guide you to what’s at the peak of the season.

Plan to get your boots dusty and your hand dirty, because this is farm work after all. Each box is $25 to fill. Sundays 10am to 3pm, at Bloomfield Farms, 12550 Valley Ford Road, Petaluma.


We will be offering U-Pick Sunday to members of the public until Sunday, November 4th. Also we have made arrangements for acclaimed and celebrity chefs to be onsite preparing wonderful dishes, snacks and brunches


THE OMG! TABLE TO FARM PICNIC (THIS WEEKEND, OCT.  7TH– Chef Brandon Guenther of Rocker Oysterfeller’s (highlighted by Sunset Magazine, respected as a chef throughout the world)www.rockeroysterfellers.com  


FUN FARM BRUNCH (Oct. 14, 21 and Nov 4th) – Chef John Lyle and the team from Hardcore Farm to Face. HUGELY POPULAR! http://www.hardcorefarmtoface.com/home/funfarmbrunch.html


GERARD’S PAELLA (October 28th) Chef, friend and Paella extraordinaire to the stars, Gerard Nebesky once kicked Bobby Flay’s tail during a ‘Paella Smackdown’ episode on the Food Networkhttp://gerardspaella.com/