An apple orchard isn’t the kind of place you usually find an artisan salsa that makes all salsas seem pale in comparison.
But that’s how it happened.
Part of a fancy snack spread my friends had set out for us volunteer apple pickers was Primavera Roasted Tomato Chipotle Salsa with tortilla chips.
At first it was just mindless hunger driving me to stuff my face with this smoky, roasty salsa. Then, paired with ice cold hard cider, it was a revelation.
Then it just got plain embarrassing as I double and triple dipped, with red drips staining the front of my shirt. Hiding my gluttony was pointless, so I smuggled out the rest of it in my bag. I figured I’d earned it.
This is no mass-production salsa, but a well-honed recipe from the kitchens of Karen Waikiki, the owner Sonoma’s El Molino Central and Primavera foods.
A longtime friend of Mexican cooking authority Diana Kennedy and Alice Waters, she’s made it her mission to revitalize the art of making stone-ground corn tortillas and sharing traditional Mexican recipes using local produce.
It’s not always easy to find, and you’ll spend a little more than a simple pico de gallo, but even Michelle Tam of Nom Nom Paleo is a fan, calling this salsa, “the best g******* salsa around.”
Primavera Roasted Tomato Salsa with chipotle, $5.99, Oliver’s Markets.