New Years’ Resolutions

What are you going to do in the New Year?

So, whether you’re a hardcore resolutionist or you defy any attempt to start fresh on January 1, there’s no denying that the New Year provides an opportunity to take stock and perhaps see where some improvement might be needed. That, or just be a total smart-ass.
BiteClub reached out to a handful of food and wine folks to see what their resolutions would be. And while some were heartfelt, most landed in the latter category. And, frankly, anything else would have been disappointing. Here are some of my favorites and two of my own…
Ziggy Eshcliman/Ziggy the Wine Gal): “I think I’m going to try and embrace more Beer! (Now THAT’s a challenge!)”
Lisa Hemenway/Fresh by Lisa Hemenway:” It has been a long 2010!! I am ready for the change! I want to get out in the woods and hike more. Hug the trees and smell the moss. I also would love to be more disciplined. By this I mean less procrastination!”
Terri Stark/Stark Reality Restaurants: “Here are my resolutions: Stop working out; Eat and Drink more; Gain 20 Lbs; Start Smoking; Spend less time with my family. Ha!”
Josh Silvers/Syrah Bistro: “Not to procrastinate”
Hardy Wallace/Natural Process Alliance and Social Media legend: “My resolution-  to bring the untamed spirit of the WWF to wineries throughout Sonoma county.”
Heather Irwin/BiteClub:
1. Minimize everything, including my thighs
2. Force everyone around me to make resolutions which I will repeatedly and sternly remind them of throughout the year.
What are your resolutions (sardonic or otherwise)….
PS, here are the most popular ones…
* Lose Weight
* Manage Debt
* Save Money
* Get a Better Job
* Get Fit
* Get a Better Education
* Drink Less Alcohol
* Quit Smoking Now
* Reduce Stress Overall
* Reduce Stress at Work
* Take a Trip
* Volunteer to Help Others
