New Year’s Food Resolutions

Make a food resolution you want to keep this year.

Every year, around Christmas time, my mom would sit us down with a pencil and paper and tell us to write our New Year’s resolutions. They started out ambitious: Become a professional ice skater. Write Thank You Notes for Ewok doll, purple knickers, penny loafers. Lose weight.

They become more telling in my teenage years: Lose Weight. Find boyfriend.

As a young adult, they included the usual suspects: “Drink” dinner only once a week. Stop smoking. Lose weight.

Lately, they’re a bit more mature: Breathe more. Exercise more. Lose weight.

This year, I’m making a resolution to stop with all the dumb resolutions and maybe make a list of things I’d actually like to do in 2012 rather than the things I’m going to stop doing. Or punish myself for doing. Or hate myself because I haven’t done.

So here are my “I Can’t Wait to Do These” Food Resolutions for 2012.

– Finally naming the best burger in SoCo
– Doing my top 25 Restaurants (on haitus since 2009! Jees)
– Redesign BiteClub
– Spend more time at the farmer’s markets
– Have a kitchen garden
– Explore the entire menu at a restaurant I really like
– Take more trips to SF (Commonwealth)
– Take trips to Napa (French Laundry, Terra high on the list)
– Get to know more local producers
– Take more pictures
– Cook more
– Stop worrying about losing weight and actually enjoy eating.

What are your “resolutions” both food and otherwise for this year?
