The first thing you notice in the cafeteria-style line at Jack’s Urban Eats at Coddingtown Center is the carving station. And the mashed potatoes. Which were pretty much the first things you noticed when the location was Narsi’s Hof Brau. Oh, the irony.
But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. The new Sacramento-based restaurant has a modern, family-friendly feel with quick service, giant salads ($7.50 to $9.75), solid sandwiches (Reuben, pulled pork, tri-tip) and kid-appropriate chicken strips, mac and cheese and fries. Plus a self-serve digital soda machine with 150 flavor combinations (fun!)
Best bets include pesto mashed potatoes with gravy, Chinese chicken salad, the classic tri-tip sandiwch ($7.25) and turkey berry with roasted turkey, cranberry, provolone, apple relish and lettuce ($7.95) and Urban fries with blue cheese sauce, spicy chili oil and chili flakes ($3.50).
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Skip the mac and cheese unless you’re under 8 (in which case you’ll love it). Beer and wine available.
Don’t expect the French Laundry here, we’re talking lunch-worthy fast-casual or Mom’s-night-off dining. And, you know, when you want to channel the old Hof Brau.
342 Coddingtown Center, Santa Rosa, (707) 293-9852.