Hey BiteClubbers.
For a long time, I’ve thought about how cool it would be to have a Culinary Salon in Sonoma County — a place where like-minded folks could come and talk about whatever aspect of the food scene they’re interested in. Maybe its food politics. Maybe gossiping about the local restaurant scene. Maybe you want to get the word out about a local purveyor you’ve fallen in love with.
I also wanted a forum to chat about some of the things I’m passionate about at the moment. This month I’m super hot on Water Kefir, and want to share that with you. Next month, maybe it will be home brewing or figs, or whatever. Rather than just reading about it, I’ll try to bring the people I write about to you.
Square Belly Food Theater is the result of all that. It’s a fun way to connect the food community IRL. Its a series of salons and culinary how-tos at the Arlene Francis Center that are either low or no cost (we do accept donations for the AFC and to defray the cost of supplies, etc.).
Our mission is merely to have fun, share our food passions and bring together like-minded folks.
The first Salon will be held Wed, Sept. 19 at 6:30pm. There’s no set agenda, but we hope to see anyone who wants to hang out and chat, help us format future salons, etc.