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Love lines the hills at Paradise Ridge Winery in Santa Rosa. (Photo by Jeremy Portje)
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Before: Guests enjoy wine and music as the sun sets at Paradise Ridge Winery in Santa Rosa, on Wednesday, August 9, 2017. (Photo by Alvin Jornada)
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After: The patio at Paradise Ridge Winery after the Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa on October 9, 2017. (Photo via Facebook)
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The patio at Paradise Ridge Winery after the Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa. (Photo via Facebook)
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Before: The main entrance of the Fountaingrove Inn in Santa Rosa.
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After: The destroyed main entrance of the Fountaingrove Inn after the Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa on Monday, October 9, 2017. (Photo by Alvin Jornada)
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Smoke and fire rise from the Fountaingrove Inn as it burns in Santa Rosa, Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
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The remains of the Fountaingrove Inn on the corner of Mendocino Avenue and Fountaingrove Parkway as the Hilton Sonoma Wine County burns on the hillside in Santa Rosa, Monday, October 9, 2017. (Photo by Erik Castro)
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The former site of the Fountaingrove Inn in Santa Rosa, CA. (Photo by John Burgess)
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Before: The Hilton Sonoma Wine Country hotel off Fountaingrove Parkway in Santa Rosa. (Photo courtesy of Hilton)
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The Hilton Sonoma Wine Country hotel after Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa on Monday, October 9, 2017. (Photo by Alvin Jornada)
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The sun shines behind a burning building at the Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Hotel in Santa Rosa, Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
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The Hilton Sonoma Wine Country hotel after the Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa on Monday, October 9, 2017. (Photo by Alvin Jornada)
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Before: The historic Fountaingrove Round Barn, built while Kanaye Nagasawa ran the Fountaingrove estate; a utopian colony founded near Santa Rosa by Thomas Lake Harris in 1875. (Photo courtesy of Fountaingrove Inn)
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The site of the historic Fountaingrove Round Barn in Santa Rosa. (Photo by John Burgess)
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After: The historic Fountaingrove Round Barn burns in Santa Rosa, Monday Oct. 9, 2017. (Photo by Kent Porter)
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Before: The Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, when it was called the Wells Fargo Center, in 2013. (Photo by Kent Porter)
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After: The northeast entrance of the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts after the Tubbs Fire burned through north Santa Rosa on Monday, October 9, 2017. (Photo by Alvin Jornada)
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Before: Willi's Wine Bar on Old Redwood Highway in Santa Rosa. (Photo Courtesy of Willi's Wine Bar Facebook)
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After: The burned remnants of Willi's Wine Bar, on the corner of Old Redwood Highway and Ursuline Road, in Santa Rosa on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. (Photo by Christopher Chung)
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Willi's Wine Bar in Santa Rosa shortly after 3 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. (Photo by Kent Porter)
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Before: Sweet T's patio on Stagecoach Road in Santa Rosa Before (Photo Courtesy of Sweet T's Facebook)
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After: Sweet T's on October 10, 2017 (Photo Courtesy of Megan Mead/Facebook)
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Before: Cricklewood Restaurant on Old Redwood Highway on October 8, 2017. "The evenings keep getting cooler, it's the perfect time to enjoy a bowl of soup with your dinner," says the text accompanying this photo on Cricklewood's Facebook page.
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After: Cricklewood Restaurant on Old Redwood Highway in Santa Rosa, October 9, 2017. The Facebook post reads: "We are shell shocked, heartbroken and beyond sad. We didn't grab the reservations book on our way we can't call you personally to let you know we aren't there. Sorry about this abrupt ending to 42 years of being a part of your lives. We love you and will miss you. The outpouring of love and concern has been overwhelming. Thank you all so much!"
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Before: Applebee's on Hopper Lane in Santa Rosa. (Tripadvisor)
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After: Fire destroyed the Arby's, left, McDonald's, right and Applebee's on Hopper Lane in Santa Rosa. (Photo by John Burgess)
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Applebee's burns off Hopper Lane in Santa Rosa, Monday Oct. 9, 2017. (Photo by Kent Porter)
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Before: The entrance of Signorello Estate Winery on the Silverado Trail in Napa. (Photo courtesy of Signorello Estate Winery)
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After: The entrance of the fire-ravaged Signorello Estate Winery in Napa on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
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Before: Pool at Signorello Estate Winery in Napa.
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After: Pool at Signorello Estate Winery in Napa (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)