So maybe she was a little high maintenance. And not exactly a rocket scientist. And slightly manipulative. But Ginger was always ready for her red carpet moment — unlike someone who was just a little too old to be wearing pigtails and short shorts (even if it was a desert island). Relive those breathless moments of redheaded Tina Louise-dom with a fiery-sweet cocktail that’ll leave you as blinky-eyed as Miss Ginger.
Ginger not Mary Ann Cocktail
adapted from Ryan Horen, Bar Manager, Jackson’s Bar and Oven
1.5 oz Charbay Meyer Lemon Vodka
.5 oz Canton Ginger Liquor
.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
.5 oz Galangal Lemongrass Syrup (recipe follows)
.5 oz Galangal Lemongrass Syrup (recipe follows)
Ginger Ale
Combine vodka, ginger liquor, lemon juice and galangal lemongrass syrup. Pour over ice into a tall glass and add ginger ale to taste.
Galangal Lemongrass Syrup
Galangal Lemongrass Syrup
1 stalk lemongrass
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup water
Galangal root is a relative to ginger, but has a woodsier, less intense quality than its spicy cousin. You can find galangal at some higher end grocers or Asian supermarkets. Lemongrass is a fragrant, citrus-scented grass native to India and used frequently in Asian cooking. To make the syrup, peel a thumb-sized piece of galangal and roughly chop the lemongrass into small pieces. Add both to a food processor to shred.
In a small saucepan, add one cup sugar to one cup water. Add the shredded galangal and lemongrass to the mixture. Slow cook for 5-10 minutes until sugar has dissolved completely and let sit over night or until completely cool. Strain well. Refrigerate.