Irish Cream Truffles Recipe

These little ganache truffles are as fun to make as they are to eat. A favorite of the BiteclubEats holiday cookie contest 2014

Irish Cream Truffles Recipe

By Christopher D. Carver

3/4 cup Irish Cream liquor
3 TBS softened butter
36 oz semisweet or dark chocolate chips
6 egg yolks
3/4  cup heavy cream

Melt chocolate, Bailey’s and heavy cream together over in double broiler or over very low heat.

While still over heat, whisk in egg yolks, one at a time, this will thicken the mixture.

Whisk in butter until combined.

Refrigerate overnight, or until firm.

With scoop or spoon make small balls.

Roll in powdered sugar, cocoa, chopped nuts, sprinkles, crushed candy canes or any of your favorite toppings.

Dropped finished drop into mini festive cupcake/candy wrappers.

Keep away from heat, and can be kept in refrigerator for a couple weeks

Makes 3 dozen cookies.

Rolled in crushed red and green mints or sprinkles, makes for a very festive treat!