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Getting dressed for work now means putting on a sweater on top of your pajamas. (Shutterstock)
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Putting on pants feels like an accomplishment. (Shutterstock)
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Doing laundry is much easier. (Shutterstock)
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You've realized that 20 seconds is much longer than you previously thought. (Shutterstock)
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You think about toilet paper (more than you ever have before). (Kevin McGovern /
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Your nose itches. All the time. (Drawing by Alice Madsen)
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It’s 5 o’clock every day at noon. (Shutterstock)
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Parents are now grounded by their kids. (Shutterstock)
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You are hoarding instant noodles for the first time since college. (David Tonelson /
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Everyone went off their low-carb, no-pasta, no-bread diet. (Jillian Cain Photography /
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All of your friends became social media influencers overnight. #quarantinebaking. (Shutterstock)
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Your dog is no longer the only one who gets excited about seeing the delivery man/postman. (Shutterstock)
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You've realized just how slow your internet connection is. (Shutterstock)
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You’re googling “how to look good on video conference calls.” (Shutterstock)
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Your kids are now your co-workers. (Shutterstock)
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And so are your pets. (Shutterstock)