The Best Bro Bars in Sonoma

Whether you call them your buds, your posse, your bromosapiens or just "the guys", every dude needs a little down time with the testosterone tribe. With that in mind, here are the best bro bars in the county.

by Michael Barnes

Whether you call them your buds, your posse, your bromosapiens or just “the guys”, every dude needs a little down time with the testosterone tribe. And while your man cave in the garage is cool and all, sometimes it’s nice to drink beer, talk sports and get your man-tastic voyage on without dogs, babies and your wife interrupting.

With that in mind, we present a handful of spots where wiping the foam off your beard with your sleeve is completely acceptable, television trumps real conversation and burgers, pizza and hot dogs are always on the menu.*

*We of course realize that this is a ridiculous generalization of the complexity of male bonding, and many women also enjoy drinking beer and watching sports, but sweeping statements are far more hilarious.
