Saving Gleason Ranch

A family works to save their Sonoma County farm, Gleason Ranch, by raising heritage poultry. Will it work?

Food, Inc premieres in Sonoma County

Food, Inc.: Whether you're a hard-core food purist or merely interested in hearing the other side of gloriously choreographed commercials for cheaper-than-dirt burgers, chips and soda, it's worth considering the less-glamorous side of the food industry and making up your own mind.

Local CSAs: Your little piece of the farm

The kind of glee that CSA bags can instill in even the most jaded of fast-foodies is rather remarkable to watch. Just ask my children, who before last summer eyed anything green or leafy with serious suspicion. They now clamor for kale, organic carrots and fresh apples. Miraculous

Fork & Shovel Dinner

A lot of restaurants are talking a big game about using local foods, but the reality of securing what they need in a timely manner can be a whole other story. Enter Fork & Shovel, which is hosting a kickoff party Oct. 5 with a stellar lineup of farmers and chefs.