Who doesn’t want a new bike for Christmas — especially one outfitted with a 350-watt electric motor that kicks in for steep climbs and can carry up to 300 pounds of rider, kids and cargo?
The Spicy Curry model from Petaluma’s Yuba Bicycles is such a machine, capable of carrying loads at speeds up to 20 mph. A press on the pedals allows riders to get ahead of traffic; tap the hydraulic disc brakes to decelerate quickly. Sturdy and stable, Spicy Curry is ideal for commuting to work, running errands and taking on family outings.

The bike, which won a gold medal at the 2015 Eurobike Show in Germany, will set Santa back $4,500, although Yuba Bikes offers other electric-assisted cargo bikes from $2,600 to $3,500, and cargo-carrying models without motors.
Yuba Bikes founder Benjamin Sarrazin joined with Currie Technologies in Simi Valley to design the Spicy Curry, which has a battery life of approximately three hours, or 25 to 45 miles, depending on the power demand. It comes in just one color, eye-catching avocado, according to company specs, but the similarity to spicy green curry sauce cannot be ignored.
Yuba Bikes, yubabikes.com
Trek Santa Rosa, 512 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, 707-546-8735, trekstoresantarosa.com
West County Cycle Service, 200 S. Main St., Sebastopol, 707-824-0112, westcountycycleservice.com