Thanksgiving hangover? Yeah, me too. But here are some tasty morsels I’ve been saving up.
2 Crows
Michele Jordan and I stumbled on 2 Crows (9890 Bodega Highway, Sebastopol), the re-opened roadhouse between Sebastopol and Bodega Bay just about the same time–as it was opening. She’s got some details here in a recent article she wrote.
I stopped in a couple weeks ago to check out the menu…which is simple and straightforward (nothing fancy here, mostly sandwiches and the like), and will likely attract locals and ocean-goers looking for a nice warm cup of coffee and some pastries.
60 minute savior
No matter where you stand on the Rachel love-hate-o-meter, her recipes do come in handy from time to time. Inspired by her 60-minute Thanksgiving, I churned out some tasty Stuffin-Muffins and Herb Turkey breasts for a last-minute save of the family meal. And, I’m not the only one who loves her.
Fast Food Nation
After seeing the flick, I’m seriously considering becoming a vegan.Okay, I’m done. However, many of the gory meat-processing scenes in the movie put me off my chow until, er, I had a big fat steak later that same evening. One big question, however: What’s with all the gratuitous product placement? I honestly thought this would be a movie with a message. But not about buying linens on Yuck.
Mark your calendars
Coming up Thursday:
– Dining out for Life: Eat out for a cause. On Thursday night, 25% of your food bill goes to Food for Thought, the Sonoma County AIDS Food Bank. Find out who’s participating and how you can get involved.
– John Scharffenberger is at Copperfield’s Books in Montgomery Village at 7pm to discuss his new book, The Essence of Chocolate. Yum.
Stilton Alert
After a weekend in Oregon wine country, where I tasted some amazing Stilton, I’ve been on a mad hunt throughout the Bay area for something to match the chunk from Portland’s renowned Provvista. I grabbed a nice hunk at Cowgirl Creamery in the Ferry Building on Saturday from Neal’s Yard (a British creamery).
So, here’s the weird discovery–Stilton French Toast. Leftover Acme bread, sliced up and dipped in egg. Fry up and top and melt over the top a wee bit of Stilton. Syrup? But of course. Would you DARE try it? Trust me. It’s delish.
Sel du Whole Foods
Among the changes, additions at the Santa Rosa Whole Foods, a collection of unique sea salts from around the globe, in an array of hues and textures. Check them out at the cheese counter.
More soon.