In the weeks ahead, gardening season will start to ramp up beyond kale, cabbage and other frost-hardy growers. Envision what you’d like see pop up this spring and summer around your home, and make a plan to cultivate that vision. These garden items from Sonoma stores might plant some seeds of inspiration. Click through the gallery above for all the details.
Good Growing: Sonoma Buys for the Garden
These garden items from Sonoma stores will plant seeds of inspiration for spring and summer.
Beeing Friendly: Truck and Barter Co. has assembled a collection of seeds to add beauty to your garden and attract and help the vulnerable bee population. These seeds, from Petaluma's own prominent vintage seed purveyor, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, come in a burlap bag. $20, Truck and Barter, 108 Washington St, Petaluma, 707-658-2131,
Comfy Cultivation: Hours in the garden mean stress on the hands. These patented ergonomic handles allow you to grip easily with less wrist tension. $12.95 (each), Urban Garden, 2313 Magowan Dr, Santa Rosa,707) 543-7037,
Room to Grow: Your climbers need a place to expand and bloom. Let them grow on cones and spirals like these to bring new dimension to your garden design. $22.99-58.99, Prickett’s, 5875 Sonoma Hwy. Ste. A, Santa Rosa, 707-539-3030, 12950 Old Redwood Hwy., Healdsburg, 707-433-8904,
Sphere Here: Add some weighty counterpoint to your delicate landscaping with these carved stones. The simplicity of the sphere will nest in stunning contrast to the various textures and colors of your gorgeous growers. $55-$12000, (6”-36” inches) The Gardener, 516 Dry Creek Rd, Healdsburg, 707-431-1063,
A Little Shimmer on Top: Not that nature needs any improvement, but brightly colored tumbled glass pebbles might be the right whimsical embellishment to a planter or gravel path. $4 (per scoop), Potter Green and Company, 23586 Arnold Dr, Sonoma, (707) 996-8888