The look of shock and horror on my mother’s face when I suggested we buy our Thanksgiving dinner at a grocery store was, well, priceless. Though it’s not far from the look of exhaustion and financial incredulousness we all have after spending three days buying food and slaving over a hot stove.
I’m not saying it isn’t worth all the money and effort. I’m just saying maybe there’s another way.
Call it Fakesgiving: A homestyle spread that looks and tastes every bit as good as the one you make. Maybe better (sorry mom). Just call it your own, and no one has to be the wiser. Prices range from a thrifty $12.50 per person to $25 and up.
Whole Foods has mastered the art of Fakesgiving with complete dinner packages, from a traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie dinner to a Latin feast with pork and pumpkin tamales and mole sauce. They’ve also got vegan and vegetarian options, organic, and mix-n-match options that include ham, New York strip roast, and sassy sides like Dungeness Crab and brie macaroni and cheese; broccoli cheddar potato gratin and oyster stuffing.
The pre-order lines are open until Tuesday (11/23) but the store will be open until 10pm Wedneday night and 2pm on Thanksgiving day to pick up whatever deliciousness they’ve got on hand (and they promise to have lots). Best bets: Broccoli cheddar gratin, crab and brie make, pumpkin pie and to pair: Romerhof Reisling ($9.99).
Whole Foods, 390 Coddingtown Mall, Santa Rosa, 542-7411. Call for individual store details in at 1181 Yulupa (575-7915) and Sebastopol (6910 McKinley St., Sebastopol, 829-9801).
Fake A Homemade Thanksgiving: Whole Foods
Whole Foods has Thanksgiving wrapped up