Bye Bye Black Bean…

In a rather ironic turn of events meat-lover’s haven Black Bean BBQ (formerly Clo’s) is vacating its Summerfield Road space to be replaced by the popular vegetarian hangout, East West Cafe.

According to BiteClub’s sources, East West has lost its long-time Montgomery Village lease and will be moving lock-stock-and-tofu up the road to the former BBQ/family-style honkey-tonk in February. Black Bean has been closed for ‘renovations’ for more than a week.

It’s been a long road for Black Bean, which started as Clo’s Parkside Grill in 1997. In 2005 it became Stim’s (under the same ownership), one of two BBQ restaurants operated by Jim Bergin. When the newer downtown Stim’s foundered in June 2005, that restaurant was shuttered and Stim’s on Summerfield became Black Bean BBQ, confusing the heck out of everyone.

Fans of Clo’s/Stim’s/Black Bean will still be able to get their fix, however. The company will continue as a catering-only operation with the same phone number (539-6100) or at

But with several BBQ joints (most notably Terry’s Southern BBQ) going up in smoke over the last two years, one has to wonder…is there something in the sauce? Why can’t the North Bay support a decent brisket? And no, don’t tell me about what’s left, cause baby, that ain’t BBQ. I’m just sayin’…

In any case, East West is currently open at its 2323 Sonoma Ave., Montgomery Village location in Santa Rosa.